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19 listopad 2019 Dział: Konkursy Napisane przez  Olimpia Herman

Konkurs Wiedzy o Krajach Anglojęzycznych - II Tura

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Tydzień pierwszy szybko zleciał - czas na DRUGĄ TURĘ naszego konkursu!

Tak jak poprzednio proszę dostarczyć mi odpowiedzi osobiście lub przesłać mailem (Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.) do przyszłego poniedziałku, tj. 25 listopada 2019 r.

  1. What Canadian city is known as Cowtown? And why? (2 points)
  2. Name 4 famous Irish people and describe them briefly. (4 points)
  3. TRUE OR FALSE. Carefully read each statement. If the statement is true, write T after it, if it is false, write F. Try to give reasons why a statement is false. (4 points)
    1. The island of Ireland is divided into two political units.
    2. Ireland is connected with the island of Great Britain by a land bridge.
    3. The Shannon is the longest river in North Ireland.
    4. The Poles constitute the largest ethnic community in Ireland.
    5. Druids were Irish warriors.
    6. Ireland became an independent state in 1922.
  4. What was Queen Elizabeth's profession before becoming a queen? (2 points)
  5. What is the name of this historical place located in East Sussex, south-eastern England? What is its story? (4 points)
  6. Atlanta provides many of the filming locations, precisely this gorgeous house. Which popular movie series was filmed in? And what is the name of this place? (2 points)
Czytany 2466 razy

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